Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith 15mL Extra Fine Gouache

Select pro-grade gouache paints



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  • Each tube contains 15mL of gouache paint.
Daniel Smith Extra Fine™ Gouache is a professional, artist-grade water media that produces an opaque matte finish and is uniquely formulated with higher pigment loads than watercolors to achieve density and opacity without adding whites or other fillers.

Build your gouache palette

Add paints above, and items below, to create a minimal gouache-filled Demi Palette.

A Demi Palette is open, revealing a Small Mixing pan, surrounded by Mini Pans filled with various watercolors.

Empty Demi Palette

Build your perfect Demi Palette


Paint-filling tips

Due to the formulation of gouache, some colors are prone to shrinking and cracking as they dry, leading to the possibility of dried pigments falling out of paint pans. We find this issue can be solved by mixing a tiny drop of glycerin into the pan with the first paint fill. Topping off your pan with a second or even third fill, allowing 24+ hours of drying time in between, vastly reduces the risk of dried gouache from falling out of your pans.

A buttercup sits on a white background, and three Mini Pans are shown in various stages of filling with yellow watercolor paint. A fourth Mini Pan shows a drop of glycerin and a toothpick.
An artist sites on a rock, dipping a paintbrush in a Pocket Palette.

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