March 12, 2020


Adventures to the far corners of the earth can be exciting and romantic, but aren’t necessarily something you can fit into a typical weekend, much less an afternoon!

By Maria Coryell-Martin

A close-up of a person's hand holding a watercolor brush, applying paint to an open sketchbook featuring a seaside landscape. The background shows a beach and water, with a light blue sky and clouds.

Adventures to the far corners of the earth can be exciting and romantic, but aren’t necessarily something you can fit into a typical weekend, much less an afternoon! There are lots of ways to find smaller adventures if you’re willing to look for them. Lately I’ve been inspired by the concept of microadventures.

A microadventure is an adventure that is short, simple, local, cheap – yet still fun, exciting, challenging, refreshing, and rewarding.
—Alastair Humphreys

I plan to start sharing prompts to inspire you to explore your corner of the world, wherever you are, whenever you have the time. We’ll begin with some inspiration from a recent outing to Fort Worden with my daughter on a sunny winter afternoon. We built a driftwood fort and played with our paints.

An artist sites on a rock, dipping a paintbrush in a Pocket Palette.

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